Silver Moon Photography
About Linda Joseph-Turek
I’m Linda Joseph-Turek, owner of Silver Moon Photography.
I get to work with business owners who are ready to take their business to the next level, whether they have a store front or are strictly internet based. My services can include office environment photos, headshots, product, architectural, real estate, and customized stock photography. It’s based on your current needs and where you want to take your business.
The images I create for you, will amplify and strengthen your brand, connect you to your target audiences, and make you more visible and ultimately more profitable. If your business matters, and you’re ready to grow it, then you need original, unique photography, that makes you stand out from the competition, tells your story, and gives you a FACE the world can see.
My passion for photography took root in the 2nd grade as I watched nature films. Each one swept me away, magically mesmerizing and enticing me into the wild scene. Time stood still.
As the oldest of 7 children, I saw myself as responsible and often ask to use my Mom’s Brownie camera. With few exceptions, the answer was NO.
In the 7th grade, I bought my first camera, a Polaroid Swing Camera with babysitting money. That summer, we took a vacation to my grandpa’s farm in Oklahoma, where I photographed the farmhouse, family, and scenery. I held my breath for nearly 3 minutes as the 1st image of the farmhouse, developed before my eyes. With shaky hands, I barely manage to pull the backing off the Polaroid image. Here it was, in my hand, the picture of the farmhouse with dappled light from the overhanging trees. That scene, that landscape, was THE most beautiful black and white picture I had ever seen. I was captivated by the light, the magic, and I was hooked. Photography had seduced me; and there went the babysitting money!
After graduate school, I have been living my dream, fulfilling my photographic passion through teaching, and photographing nature and wildlife. My focus changed through necessity for 10 years, when I worked for other companies. 12 years ago, an opportunity arose, and I returned full time to commercial photography, strengthening, and fine tuning my skills, business focus, and direction. I have created a niche I love, helping business owners grow their business, differentiating it from their competitors. I give them a FACE the world can see.
I grow my business through referrals and belong to the WOMBATs BNI chapter of Business Network International.
So, what are you waiting for?

Client Testimonials